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Free Keywords Extractor Tool - Extract From long Text

Extract the most importand keywords from any long text with our free Keywords Extractor tool

This tool is made to make it simpler for you to create keywords for your content and optimize your SEO and articles. By utilizing this tool, you can quickly and simply determine the most crucial terms that are pertinent to your content, ensuring that you're employing the proper keywords to raise the visibility of your content in search results.

Keywords Extractor Tool


The success of your online content is greatly influenced by keywords. They make it simpler for you to connect with your target audience because they aid search engines in comprehending the issues and topics of your content. You can make sure that your material is optimized for search engines and that the proper audience sees it by utilizing this tool.

This tool is essential to your toolkit, regardless of whether you're a blogger, content marketer, or just someone who wants to produce excellent content. It's never been simpler to produce high-quality keywords that will make your content stand out thanks to its user-friendly UI and effective keyword extraction technology. Why then wait? With the help of this effective keyword extraction tool, start optimizing your content right away and boost your online presence.

This program is exclusively intended to extract keywords from material written in English. Other language text processing is not presently possible.

Keywords Extractor

Taking significant words and phrases that describe the text's content is known as "scraping" keywords. These keywords are essential to search engine optimization (SEO) because they enable search engines to recognize the subject of a webpage and rank it appropriately. The process of producing optimal and interesting material for the web includes the extraction of keywords, which is a crucial phase. You can make sure that your text is easily found by your target audience by choosing the most pertinent keywords for a certain piece of content.

This tool is a simple and efficient way to extract keywords from any given text. Whether you are an SEO professional or a content creator, this tool is perfect for you to identify the most important keywords in your text and optimize your content for search engines.


  • Paste the text you want to extract keywords from into the text area provided.
  • Click on the "Extract Keywords" button to generate the keywords.
  • The extracted keywords will be displayed in the keyword container along with a "Copy" button that you can use to copy the keywords to your clipboard.
  • To clear the text area and keyword container, click on the "Clear" button.

Key Features:

  • Fast and accurate keyword extraction.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Ability to copy the extracted keywords to your clipboard.
  • Easy to use with just two buttons.


  • Save time and effort by automating the keyword extraction process.
  • Get a list of the most important keywords in your text.
  • Use the extracted keywords to optimize your content for search engines.
  • Improve the visibility of your content on search engines and drive more traffic to your website.


  • One limitation of this tool is that it only supports the English language. It is not currently capable of extracting keywords from text written in other languages.

The Keyword Extractor Tool is a powerful tool for anyone looking to optimize their content for search engines. Whether you are an SEO professional or a content creator, this tool will help you extract the most important keywords from your text and improve the visibility of your content online. So start using this tool today and take your content to the next level!

Check also our Free word and character counter tool

This tool is designed and published by E-proshop

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